
Matthew Selekman at the 2012 Second JUCONI International Conference

Matthew D. Selekman’s interview with Alison Lane, Director of FUNDACION JUCONI, Puebla City, Mexico, at the 2012 Second JUCONI International Conference: Breaking Cycles of Violence and Exclusion: Building Healthy Relationships. Matthew discusses his Collaborative Strengths-Based Brief Therapy approach with children and adolescents. FUNDACION JUCONI does incredible and compassionate work with disadvantaged and marginalized families in Mexico and throughout Latin America.


The below DVD will be available for purchase on Amazon shortly.

Complete Counseling:

From First to Last Session Brief, Strengths-Based, Collaborative Therapy

Matthew D. Selekman

Building on Adolescent Expertise Video
Over the course of five counseling sessions, Matthew Selekman works with Raquel and Lydia, a mother-daughter duo who have come to therapy to discuss some bumps in the road. The family is transitioning through a typical developmental stage-Lydia moving out from the end of adolescence and into young adulthood, which includes attending a community college and moving in with her boyfriend. Matthew works with the mother and daughter to see what successes they have already had and how they will continue to capitalize on their strengths into the future. They also work on standing up to and eventually conquering an intergenerational “I’m right, you’re wrong” family pattern and de-escalating typical blow-ups in the family and Lydia’s relationship with her boyfriend. Matthew also illustrates the utility of separate subsystem work with Raquel and Lydia.


You can order the video/DVD below from UPG Media

Building on Adolescent Expertise:

A Solution-Oriented Brief Therapy Approach

Matthew D. Selekman

Building on Adolescent Expertise VideoIn this training video/DVD, Matthew demonstrates how to rapidly create possibilities with a mother and her angry adolescent daughter, by reframing the problem, use of humor and metaphor, and eliciting each family member’s strengths and resources. He also demonstrates how to work effectively with subsystems. Read more about the video/DVD…